發布時間:2022-11-11 16:05
What should be the basis of giving appraisal to the employees for their performance?(對員工的表現進行評估的依據是什么)
Different software helps to give complete pop up about the performance of an employee over a set period of time.(不同的軟件有助于對員工在一段時期內的表現給出完整的提示)
Is It Good to set a tracker on the activities of employees in the office?(對員工在辦公室的活動設置一個跟蹤器好嗎)
The best way to increase the performance of your employees is through an appraisal.(提高員工績效的最好方法是通過評估)
Is it good to give some incentives to those employees who are performing below the par?(對那些表現低于標準的員工給予一些獎勵,這樣做好嗎)
How management can enhance the performance of employees who are not working properly.(管理層如何提高那些工作不力的員工的績效)
What should be done to save the interests of different people in your organization?(應該做些什么來挽救你組織中不同人的利益)
How are you going to satisfy your employees for their different needs regarding appraisal?(你要如何滿足員工關于考核的不同需求)
What to do for the settlement of disputes among different team members in the organization.(如何解決組織中不同團隊成員之間的糾紛)
Being a human resources manager what are your duties to maintain peace in the company.(作為一個人力資源經理,你有什么職責來維護公司的和平)
How to make people work together who are coming from different regions.(如何讓來自不同地區的人一起工作)
What should be done to maintain harmony among employees by the human resource manager?(人力資源經理應該做什么來維持員工之間的和諧)
How to study the needs of employees coming from different cultural groups.(如何研究來自不同文化群體的員工的需求)
Best way to know the importance of an employee for the organization coming from a different region of geography.(了解來自不同地理區域的員工對組織的重要性的最佳方法)
How to manage synchronization among the employees of different cultures in your organization.(如何管理組織中不同文化背景的員工之間的同步性)
Explain the major disputes that arise among the employees generally due to their cross-cultural backgrounds.(解釋員工之間因跨文化背景而產生的主要糾紛)
How to make the employees feel equal to being a human resource manager.(如何讓員工感覺到作為人力資源管理人員的平等)
The best role that could be performed by a human resource manager in the company is to satisfy the needs of employees.(人力資源經理在公司中可以發揮的最好作用是滿足員工的需求)
Role of human resource manager to analyze the behaviour of employees working in a specific organization.(人力資源管理師的作用是分析在特定組織中工作的員工的行為)
Importance of employee behaviour analysis for the organization.(員工行為分析對組織的重要性)
What should be the mechanism followed by a human resource manager for analyzing employee behaviour?(人力資源管理人員在分析員工行為時應遵循什么機制)
What type of behaviour is analyzed by a human resource manager in their employees?(人力資源管理人員要對員工的哪種行為進行分析)
Role of employee behaviour analysis to increase the output of the company.(員工行為分析對提高公司產出的作用)
How to know the difficulties that employees confront through employee behaviour analysis.(如何通過員工行為分析了解員工所面臨的困難)
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